NSF REU Site: Design, Create, and Innovate 3-Dimensional User Interfaces to Improve Human Sensory and Motor Performance in Virtual Environments (HUMANS MOVE)

REU Site HUMANS MOVE is a 10-week undergraduate research experience in the College of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Wyoming that focuses on creating, designing, and innovating novel 3D User Interfaces, devices, and interaction techniques.
The experience provided with it [me] a lot of new skills to be learned through skills labs and seminars. Overall, I was really satisfied because before the REU started, I was really interested in research and getting an experience like this makes [me] want to pursue a career in research even more.”
“I learned an incredible amount about virtual and augmented reality, conducting research, and rehabilitation that simply going to class or reading studies would not have provided. My programming skills improved by a lot; seeing my code visual through virtual reality was [a] nice boost. Working as a team and knowing what to prioritize was something I got from the experience as well.”

Our Mission
We believe that while innovation is born from creativity, only amazing creativity can come from diverse thinking!
Our program strives to:
Ignite a passion for research
Engage undergraduate students in scholarly activity
Coordinate exciting collaboration opportunities on innovative research
Provide opportunities of training, mentorship, and resources for students
Raise awareness of, importance, and impacts of emerging fields in computing
Increase students from underrepresented populations in computing to pursue and complete graduate studies
Foster positive experiences, time with mentors, and provide knowledge, and resources on graduate school

Our REU Site is focused on conducting state-of-the-art research in 3-Dimensional User Interfaces for Immersive Environments, such as virtual and augmented reality and immersive visualizations.
REU students will work on on projects with and mentored by multidisciplinary teams of faculty, students, and staff in areas of computer science, electrical and computer engineering, kinesiology, visualization, art, and design.
REU students will complete projects that have the potential to improve 3D tasks, scientific workflow, health, and community improvement.
Our REU Site intends to connect our student participants in a community network to undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and staff, to utilize beyond the on-site experience.