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Virtual Reality Glasses

Virtual and Augmented Reality Systems

What are Virtual and Augmented Reality Systems? Virtual and Augmented Reality Systems are immersive systems that couple stereoscopic or optical-see through displays, computer graphics, virtual environments, game-engines or event-driven systems, multi-modality input, and real-time interaction to create experiences that envelope all the senses. There is a spectrum of virtual reality systems: real world, augmented reality, mixed reality, augmented virtuality, and virtual reality, where extended realities (XR) serves as the umbrella term for the spectrum.

Course Description

This course serves as an introduction in the theory, hardware and software technology, design, application and human factors issues in Virtual Environments (VEs) (as well as Augmented, Mixed, and Extended Reality - AR/MR/XR) and 3-dimensional User Interfaces.


Students will gain knowledge about the latest innovations in this field, will understand the important research issues and methodologies for VEs, and will gain practical experience with the hardware and software used to create and evaluate VE applications.


Course Objectives:

• To introduce the student to a background of literature and history in virtual environment systems
• To understand the components of hardware and software of virtual environment systems
• To gain knowledge of scene graphs, modeling, and API’s to develop virtual environments
• To understand advanced computer graphics concepts as they relate to management and display of virtual
• To gain experience in the use and development of virtual environment systems

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